Economic Liberation

Economic Liberation picture

This is a term that is used on a daily basis by many people, especially politicians to the left of the politcal spectrum. The main problem though is that the meaning of the term seems to confuse some of us. The reason for that is that we always tend to allow other people to define terms for us, when in actual fact we can create our own meanings to words.

To me "Economic freedom"  or "Economic Liberation" or "Economic emancipation" or "Financial Freedom" means the same thing. It means "To have enough financial or monetary resources to afford most of my needs and wants and to understand how to generate more income, manage my money and use it to my benefit to enjoy a comfortable life so as to leave a legacy for my children". 

Financial liberation should not be about being "filthy rich" where you show off your wealth by buying material possessions like expensive cars, mansions, expensive branded names, splashing money publicly and generally behaving like small kids just to show people that you are super rich.


Lana ngikhuluma kakhulu nabantu bakithi. Abantu base-Afrika. Abantu abaMnyama. Indabuko yase Afrika. Ngikhuluma kakhulu nabantu base Mzansi. Isikhathi sesifikile ukuthi siqale omunye UMZABALAZO. Umzabalazo wenkululeko yezomnotho.  We need to engage in a revolution. A revolution towards the financial liberation of the African people. 

What I always maintain and unfortunately, each time I say that some of my friends misunderstand me to mean that I say  all Black people are rich and there are no poor Black people. 

I maintain that Black people are rich. The main challenge that some if not most of us have is that we do not understand "Money". Otherwise how do you explain the thousands of Black people who fill up all the KFC shops, MacDonalds shops, Bottle stores, Supermarkets every Friday or payday ? How do you explain all the Black people wearing expensive branded name clothing ? Driving insanely expensive cars and spending over R30 000.00 in these establishments in all the cities of Mzansi ?

I am not saying people should not enjoy their lives, nor am I saying it is a crime to enjoy your money. All I am saying is that we need to focus our energies into taking control of the economy of this country! Make sure that our education system is alligned with our needs as a people. Educate everyone abot the importance of uniting as Black people and stop this senseless hatred towards other Black people. We need to understand that we are stuck in this global world, where we are being controlled and dictated to by the few individuals who call the shots.

As Black people we need to change our mindset when it comes to money. We need to start finding means to make more money than we spend money. Siphume kulento yokuthi uma uthola imali kumele ingahlali kuwena, kepha isebenze immediately emva kokufika kuwena.

We need to adopt the culture of saving, of budgetting og spending money well and generally manage our money in away that will make it possible for us to take control of our persona finances and later the economy of our country. 

I am aware of the fact that lento engiyishoyo lana is not easy. It is mainly not easy because no school has taught us this. Few parents, Pastors, Politicians or leaders of any type have educated us about this.  I always tell people that they must never expect any government to tell you or to help you to be financially free. Governments are not in the business of making the citizens rich but they are in the business of  selling a false hope to the people. That is why people will tolerate lies, deceipt, corruption coming from the politicians because they have bought into this false sense of hope that "one day" their circumstances will be changed by this party that has been promising a "better life" for the longest time.

The time has come for us as abanikazi bezwe ukuthi sibhukule. The time has come that us as owners of this land should rise and say "Enough is Enough". We should engage in a revolution. This time we need to engage in a different form of a revolution. The main weapon needs to be our Minds. We need to think, talk, discuss, consider, decide and act with purpose.

The main challenges that we are facing are the following:

  • We lack trust in each other. This has been implanted in us generationally.
  • We have been indoctrinated to think less of ourselves and to mistrust anythi associated with Black people.
  • The divide and rule system has left a bad mark in our lives.
  • The self hate that exists amongs us is a perpertual problem.
  • Lack of relevant education about the western systems that was forced on us.
  • .......The list is endless......

We can talk about all the problems we have and that stifle our growth, success and prosperity as a people till the cows come home, what we really need is to come up with solutons. 

Now this is a Solution that I have come up with. 


Kunalento osekujwayele ukuthi kukhulunywe ngayo okuthiwa i-"Township economy". Mina anginandba ukuthi i-Township economy ichazwa kanjani uma ichazwa. Mina ngiyichaza ngendlela yami. Kumina ngikhuluma ngomcebo wethu esihlala ema Lokishini. Ukuthi imali yethu kumele isebenzele thina kakhulu ngaphambi kokuthi sicebise abanye. Niyabazike ukuthi obani "abanye".

Ngangike ngibone uma ngihamba ezindaweni ezinjengo Phoenix (ngesikhathi ngisaya khona), nako Chatsworth no Verulam, amandiya awanqeni ukushintsha indlu abahlala kuyona ibe ibhizinisi. Futhi abagcini ngokwenza amabhizinisi eTuckshop or i-Tarvern kuphela, cha. Benza amabhizinisi a-serious. Ngalesosikhathi thina sibhizi sibanga amakhaya esawashiyelwa abazali. Sixabana kuze kuse emnyango.

It is high time we take control of our prosperity. However, this is not a thing engenzeka overnight. It is a process that will take us years to achieve. We have to start at some point. Each of us need to think deep and hard about what plans we can implement.

Slowly, we need to learn to trust one another. We need to commit to be honest towards one another. We need to learn to love one another and respect one another. We must understand that we are "ON OUR OWN AS BLACK PEOPLE"

We need to understand that white people will leave South Africa, just as they left Zimbabwe, Mozambique and other African countries. We cannot rely on them as our saviours. We need to learn to depend on one another. Difficult as it is but it must be done. Let us not fail to try. It is better to try and fail than to fail to try.

I have come up with a plan. The plan is simple and practical. I have created an online platform, called "Fund-Your-Project" (FYP). The purpose of this platform is to make it possible for us to:

  • Join hands with other Black people
  • Support each other's businesses
  • Earn commission for spending your money at another person's business
  • Earn incentives for spending at local businesses who ae members of FYP
  • Collaborating with other members to start businesses
  • Starting Cooperatives to pursue business interests
  • Get financial education
  • Eradicate homelessness
  • Create employment opportunities
  • Make our townships safe for our communities
  • Provide security for our schools

I know this may sound as "too good to be true" for some people. It does not make sense because there are too many people who have come up with ideas to make money but only to find that those plans are actually scams.

It will be extremely difficult, if not impossible, for me to succeed in convincing you that this is not a scam but the only person who can convince you is YOU. 

Let me break down the following:

  • What FYP is
  • How it works
  • How it can change your life

WHAT IS Fund-Your-Project ?

FYP is an online platform that makes it possible for a member of the platform to earn money in the form of commission to pay for any project, incuding but not limited to the following:

  • Buy a site, build a house or buy a house
  • Buy a car or furnish your house
  • Renovate your house
  • Educate your kids at a school of your choice
  • Buy clothes or groceries that you desire than what you can afford
  • Donate to causes of your choice like Schools, NGO's or community and welfare institutions
  • Start programmes to assist communities in need
  • The list of what you can do is endless

You are invited by a member to purchase  an online book (EBook) for a once off purchase price of R25.00. You will then choose one EBook that you want to receive. You will then recive a number of benefits, e.g.:

  • Book of your choice
  • Purchase Airtime and Data at discount on the platform with money earned from the platform
  • Pay for Multichoice/DSTV subscription using commission earned on the platform
  • Advertising any business you have, on our othe partner website for FREE
  • If you do not have a business to advertise yourself, you can rent out your space to someone else
  • Receive a monthly Newsletter
  • Have access to workshops on varios topics like "How to start a business", "Your business and the Taxman", etc
  • Access to joining Stokvels/Cooperatives on Property investments, bulk buying schemes or other common interests
  • Opportunity to start a Mutual bank
  • Opportunity to start a Funeral Scheme/ Education Scheme for our kids

We are also inviting anyone who has a business in the township and wishes to join hands with us to dvelop our economy to be part of FYP. Any Mzansi citizen who owns any business can become a member and other members will be able to use the commission they earned on the platformto purchase goods and services from the merchants.

This shall be a win-win situation because the merchants will gain more customers and revenue and also benefit from the commission sharing on the FYP platform and the customers will be able to afford the goods and services because of the commission they earn on the FYP platform. 


After reciving a referral link from your friend, you register on the platform using your smart phone or computer. You fill in your personal details . You need a working Email address and Cell number to register successfully. You will create your unique Username and Password.

Each time you want to login to the platform you will use this Username and Password. After logging in you will be able to do the following:

  • See your own "Referral link", send it to your friends
  • See the balance in your FYP wallet, Withdrawals you made, Transfers you made to other members and transfares you received from other members.
  • Number of Direct Referrals (People you have invited)
  • Pay for a product or service, make withdrawals and see your transaction history
  • See the notice board where importnat announcements are posted
  • You can edit you profile details
  • You can transfer your funds to other members directly using their Username
  • You can advertise your Business banner on this platform



Before I explain how you can change your life  with FYP, let me tell you this. 

  • FYP is NOT a Get-Rich-Quick-Scheme 
  • Here you do NOT "invest" R1000.00 or R5000.00 and then after 5 days earn R1500.00 or R7500.00 into your bank account.
  • You do NOT move around boards
  • You do Not become a Supervisor, a Manager or a Director etc
  • You do Not achieve certain targets 

Here at FYP you sell a product to your friends. The product you sell is an Electrronic Book that is delivered to your phone or to your email address. You can read the book on your phone or Tablet or Ebook Reader oreven print it as a hard copy.

The cost of the Book is R25,00. You pay this R25.00 once. You will receive an Ebook once a month as long as you are still an Entry Level Member (ELM).

For you to qualify for commission for sales you made to your friends, you must send your Referral Link to your friends so that they use it to register their details and be linked to you.

The first Package costs R25.00 and this R25.00 is paid by you from your own money. You receive One EBook per month.  Every person that you will invite will also pay R25.00 and you will receive R5.00 per sale. Remember, you do not only receive commission from the direct sales that you made. However, you also receive commission from four generations deep. This is because you share the commission with your friends and their friends. So you actually receive commission 4 times on one sale you made.

When you have a minimum of R50.00 in your wallet balance (earned from commission you made from the sales) you will buy the Mid Level Package where you will now receive 2 EBooks every month as well as the other benefits mentioned earlier. You will now qualify to receive R10.00 per sale you make.

You will receive R10.00 commission from every member in your team that buy the R50.00 Mid level Package (MLP) Books. Imagine if you have 10 Direct referrals, and all of them also have made 10 sales each. It means you will receive R10.00 X 100 sales, R10 X 1000 in the 3rd generation and R10 X 10 000 for the sales in the 4th generation.

As soon as you have R100.00 in your wallet balance, you will buy 3 books monthly for R100.00 and qualify to receive R20.00 from your referrals four generations deep. So if everyone in your team sells the Intermediate Level Package (ILP) Books to 10 people you will earn R20.00 X 10 for Direct referrals, R20.00 X 100 for 2nd generation sales, R20.00 X 1000 for 3rd generation sales and R20.00 X 10 000 for 4th generation sales.

When  you have R250.00 in your wallet balance, you will buy 4 books monthly for R250.00 and qualify to receive R50.00 from your referrals four generations deep. So if everyone in your team sells the Advanced Level Package (ALP) Books to 10 people you will earn R50.00 X 10 for Direct referrals, R50.00 X 100 for 2nd generation sales, R50.00 X 1000 for 3rd generation sales and R50.00 X 10 000 for 4th generation sales.

As soon as you have R500.00 in your wallet balance, you will buy 5 books monthly for R500.00 and qualify to receive R100.00 from your referrals four generations deep. So if everyone in your team sells the Super Level Package (SLP) Books to 10 people you will earn R100.00 X 10 for Direct referrals, R100.00 X 100 for 2nd generation sales, R100.00 X 1000 for 3rd generation sales and R100.00 X 10 000 for 4th generation sales.

The total you will receive over a period is over R2000 000.00 (Two Milliom Rands)

We advise you to sell the Books to a minimum of one person and have a maximum of 10 members in your first generation, your direct referrals. Since FYP uses a system referred to as Unilevel Referral Marketing, you will share the commission with your upline four levels up. This is the best sytem ever because it inculcates a culture of sharing and mutual benefit with your friends and your friends' friends. This was the original Adfrican way of living. Where in our communities we helped one another.

The key that will make you successful in FYP, is to:

  • Sell to 10 people 
  • Help those 10 people sell to 10 people

This simple business plan will result in you achieving your goals you never thought possible.

Unlike other systems that force you to continue selling to hundreds or even thousands of people to make money, FYP encourages you to sell to a minimum of 1 and a maximum of 10.

Other systems actually penalise you for not achieving certain targets. FYP does not punish you for failing to achieve any target you set yourself.

Your FYP membership never expires. Your commission is never forfeited. With most other platforms you receive your earnings once a month or weekly. With FYP you can submit a withdrawal daily, as long as you do not have a pending withdrawal.

We are inviting you to join us by requesting a referral from your friend who invted you to this website. If nobody invited you, send a send a message in our contact form on this website requesting a Referral Link. We will send you a referral link of any member in the platform.



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